Znělky, PC, video, filmová, hudba pro aplikace atd.
CZ/ Tato hudba je vhodná k dalšímu použití a úpravě. Je možné ji na základě licence creative-commons jakkoliv upravovat i používat pro komerční i nekomerční účely, videa, znělky, cokoliv. Hudbu lze zakoupit a stáhnout v nekomprimované podobě přímo na stránkách Bandcamp kliknutím na skladbu.
ENG/ This music is suitable for further use and modify. It is licensed uder creative-commons and you can in any way modify and use for commercial and non-commercial purposes. The music can be purchased and downloaded in uncompressed form directly on Bandcamp by clicking on the track.
This sound bank contains only pure simple recordings of big variety of different kinds of singing bowls. It is Royalty free. So you can use it for what ever you want, commercialy or non commercialy. You can modify sound or use it as it is. All recordings are made in stereo wav format 16 bit.
Royalty-Free Music
Royalty-free music. This music is suitable for further use and modify. It is licensed uder creative-commons and you can in any way modify and use for commercial and non-commercial purposes. The music can be purchased and downloaded in uncompressed form directly on Bandcamp by clicking on the track.